MIRY Concertzaal presenteert

Studium Generale: Climavore - Adaptive Eating in a Changing Climate

Studium invites you to join us as we further learn, reflect, and imagine the future of food. Climavore is a platform and a movement that questions how to eat as humans change the climate. It responds to the new seasons of the climate crisis, such as drought, polluted oceans, wetland disappearance, floods and soil exhaustion that are changing food production and consumption, and the built environment at large. Through a long term project on Isle of Skye, Climavore unpacks ecologically regenerative and socially restorative responses to extractive aquaculture. 

• This lecture will be presented by Cooking Sections, who has worked on multiple iterations of the long-term site-responsive CLIMAVORE project since 2015, exploring how to eat as humans change climates. They examine the systems that organise the world through food and using site-responsive installation, performance and video, they explore the overlapping boundaries between art, architecture, ecology and geopolitics. Established in London in 2013 by Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe, their practice uses food as a lens and a tool to observe landscapes in transformation."
di. 18.04 — 19:30 Studium Generale: Climavore - Adaptive Eating in a Changing Climate
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Studium Generale: Climavore - Adaptive Eating in a Changing Climate